Autopsy instruments

Autopsy instruments kit in aluminum case

Dissecting appliances can be supplied both as complete sets and on a stand-alone basis, depending on the buyer's demands. The whole range of appliances consists of high quality surgical steel items that comply with ISO 9001:2000.

The kit is supplied in an aluminum case. All appliances are located in two PVC inserts. Each appliance is located in a separate slotted niche for an easy extraction.

Each kit includes the following:

1. Scalpels:

- Bellied excision scalpel, medium – 1 pcs  
- Round-nosed sharp-pointed scalpel – 1 pcs
- Bellied excision scalpel, large – 1 pcs

2. Rib/cartilage knife – 1 pcs 
3. Autopsy / Amputating knife – 1 pcs 
4. Amputating knife, small – 1 pcs 
5. Bellied resection knife – 1 pcs 
6. Blunt straight scissors – 1 pcs
7. Scissors with two pointed ends - straight, or curved – 1 pcs
8. Scissors – 1 pcs
9. Forceps:

Surgical forceps – 1 pcs
Dissection forceps – 1 pcs
- Forceps for pachymeninx – 1 pcs 
- Tenaculum forceps – 1 pcs 

10. Dissecting blade saw – 1 pcs 
11. Liston's bone cutting forceps – 1 pcs  
12. Liston's bone cutting forceps – 1 pcs 
13. Rib-cutting bone scissors – 1 pcs 
14. Anatomy pitcher – 1 pcs
15. Сhisel with a hexagonal handle, flat with double-sided grind – 1 pcs
16. Сhisel with a hexagonal handle, flat with one-sided grind – 1 pcs
17. Hammer made of stainless steel with a hook on the handle – 1 pcs
18. Set of needles