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  • BioVitrum took part in the 19th international conference for young scientists “Biology- the science of the 21 century”

BioVitrum took part in the 19th international conference for young scientists “Biology- the science of the 21 century”

The 19th international conference for young scientists “Biology- the science of the 21 century” was held from 20th till 24th of April in Puschino.

Traditionally the global values scientists presented their lectures. Within the framework of the conference there was the Russian-German Session with the leading German scientists’ reports and contests of research and innovation projects.


 The program of the conference consists of several sections:

1.  Microbiology and virology   

2.  Bioinformatics and biophysics

3.  Molecular biology

4.  biochemistry

5.  Soil Science and Agroecology

6.  Biotechnology and Instrumentation

7.  Animal physiology and biomedicine

8.  Plant physiology and photobiology

9.  Ecology

10. Biopharmaceuticals

11. Space research, astrobiology, space medicine

 Biovitrum took active part in the conference work. Anna Spirina, molecular cell biology specialist of “BioVitrum” Ltd., presented the report about modern solutions for biotechnology: from development to production.


On BioVitrum’s booth was the demonstration of up-to-day advances in science and developments in molecular and cell biology, equipment and consumables in Life Science, samples of specialized plastic and full range of necessary equipment for microscopy and tomography.


 Special attention on the conference was paid to excursions in laboratories, scientific projects presentations and different work-shops: from biotechnology methods and the oligomerization of proteins study, methods of drug discovery, foundations and stages of molecular identification of organisms using PCR to the correct data registration.
